Rebecca Packard

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Tips for a Relaxing and Rejuvenating Yoga Routine

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This is a guest blog by Sheila Johnson of Well Sheila

Tips for a Relaxing and Rejuvenating Yoga Routine

If you’re always on the go, it can be hard to take a few minutes out of your busy schedule for some stress relief. But in today's digital world, it is more important than ever to find ways to reduce your stress on a daily basis. Not only is yoga an excellent way to get your blood moving and improve your flexibility, but it can also help you to relax and rejuvenate after a long day. What’s more, you can stream your yoga classes wherever you are, if it’s just not possible for you to get into the studio. Ready to get started? Here’s what you need to know.

Set a Mindful Goal

Fortunately, there are many apps and streaming services on the market that help you set and track your yoga goals. With devices such as streaming sticks, which provide access to numerous apps and channels — including many related to fitness — you can even bring your yoga breathing and meditation exercises to work or on vacation, for when you need a short break from the hustle and bustle. Here are a few great yoga and meditation tracking apps that will help you stay mindful of your stress-reduction goals.

Asana Rebel

Asana Rebel is an amazing app that helps you organize your days with mindfulness, healthy exercise, and meditation. The app lets you track your activities throughout the day to ensure that you are maintaining a healthy balance of activity and relaxation. Asana Rebel offers small daily quizzes to inspire you to do better every day, and music to keep you relaxed and focused.

Yoga Studio

The Yoga Studio app helps you track your yoga workout with a calendar scheduling feature to help keep you on a steady track toward your yoga goals. With thousands of yoga video clips and pose blocks, Yoga Studio allows you to create your own class so that you can find the routine that fits your needs. If you aren’t sure how to put a class together, don’t worry! They have a "Smart Link" option that helps you choose which poses go together for a fluid routine.

Choose Your Routine for Relaxation

When you are looking for the best chill yoga routine take the time to listen to the music, read about the instructor, and review the courses, so you are sure to get what you need. Here are some great online yoga courses and apps to help you choose your road to relaxation.


Glo has classes for everyone, from beginners to professional yogis, and they are committed to helping people find "a quiet place of personal progress in a world of distraction and noise." With that goal in mind, you are sure to find what you need for your stress relief. Glo offers class series to help you reach your personal goals. The app works on all mobile and streaming devices, so you can take it with you wherever you go.


DoYouYoga offers a specific program for relaxation and stress relief that will help reduce your anxiety and keep you calm and centered. With guided poses geared toward helping you chill after a long day of work, their Yoga for Relaxation and Stress Relief will take the edge off your frazzled psyche and let you ease into the evening.

Meditation is Key

Meditation is an important part of your stress-reducing yoga routine. When you first start out, it can seem impossible to keep your mind still for longer than a few seconds. Take advantage of the guided meditation offered through your yoga apps to help you unwind and make the most of your yoga practice. Your mind will thank you!

Whether you are just beginning your yoga journey, or you are an experienced yoga practitioner, take it at your own pace, and do not hesitate to try a modified pose as you work your way into a more challenging routine. Yoga is a practice in developing your mind and body, so it is different for every individual. Focus on your self-improvement and mindfulness. Allow yourself to relax into your routine and you are sure to feel rejuvenated!

Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

*Thank you for reading my blog where I share ways to help you make your life easier. I would greatly appreciate you shopping with my links if you choose to get these products. All the proceeds from the sales go to help me fund my Tools For Life Program a preventive trauma program that teaches people simple tools to create emotional balance and live their best life.

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I'm Rebecca Packard, a passionate practitioner for living from love. As a Wife, Boy Mom, Daughter, Friend & Entrepreneur!

I invite you to join me on this journey to create balance being the CEO of my best life. As I share the tools, tips, & tricks I use everyday for making sure everyone is happy, healthy, living free & living their best life!

I'm open to any & all of your ideas, too, so be sure to share them by commenting on the blog posts, I do read them! AND will respond!

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“The purpose of my life is to connect people with their higher power, their truest self. Supporting them in healing wounds, expressing acceptance. While inspiring them to feel the bliss life can be."

- Rebecca Packard

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Rebecca strives to support others on their path to a whole life. Through her blogs, group, and events she shares the modalities and practices that she uses in her life, with her family and clients to create full life balance. Sharing all the ways she is supporting herself and others in living their best life. She is passionate about and truly believes that everyone can and should live a life they are passionate about built from balance and purpose.