Tools For Life with Rebecca Packard

When everything feels like to much, you need to have a way to create calm in the chaos.

That is the big picture of this program!

Everywhere we turn these days, life is shown as a chase, something to “keep up with”, and out of reach. All of that is false. All of that is created by fear. Fear and the “fear of missing out” has literally become a marketing ploy because, we are so hard wired for it.

The sad truth is that we are being manipulated by our trauma for the gain of others and we are molding the future of our children for the same.

I want to help you. I want to empower you. I want to change this for you.


Everyone should have tools for life.

Tools and techniques to help you create positive habits, emotional balance, and support through hard times.

In this program I share with you my “go to” tools for overcoming stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. With these simple, easy to use, self implemented tools, you will learn to calm the fear response and relax your brain.

In this program you will learn how to use Tapping (EFT), Jin Shin Jyutsu, Meditation, and more to empower you in living a full and healthy life.

Through this program you will learn how to create quick daily habits and how to use them in the drop of a hat.

Watch this video where I share about the Tools For Life program!


I created this program to help to empower you in your everyday life, and give you tools to support you when life gets hard. Allowing you to empower and connect with yourself and the world around you. 

  • Are you living in fear, fear of the unknown, fear of leaving your house, fear of the world?

  • Are you literally dreading your life, your interactions, and the future?

  • Do you feel overwhelmed more often then not?

  • Have you been having a difficult time putting into words how you feel, or maybe your just numb?

These are due to trapped emotions causing everything from misalignment’s to blocks. These are caused by fear and are typically results of trauma. The more work I do personally and I talk with people, host events, speak at events, and work with clients I see that the underlying issue of all the chaos swirling around us is trauma. We can release this! Allowing you to embrace your life and live an empowered life and break the cycle that trauma creates.

Tools for life tapping with Rebecca Packard

With this program you will learn tools to help you overcome the effects of:

  • Bullying

  • Suicide

  • Drug addiction

  • Divorce

  • Depression

  • Weight issues

  • Anxiety

Even evading these situations completely by using the techniques in the program with regular use as preventive care.


As all of these situations lead back to unresolved trauma. With my work in emergency medicine and the years I have dedicated to studying trauma I have seen this time and time again. I have lived this also. In an effort to help more people not suffer I have compiled the tools that changed everything for me, that gave me my life back, and I want to share them with you!


Over the years that I have dedicated to sharing these tools and working with these tools everyone who has worked with me and implemented them into their life have experienced:

  • Increased health benefits

  • Better social connections

  • Became more peaceful

  • Felt more control in their life

  • Were inspired to move forward with life and business

  • Fell back in love with life

As the lack of these things are side effects of having imbalances and unresolved trauma.

EFT Tapping with Rebecca Packard
Tools for life Says who method with rebecca packard

This package is for you if you are:

  • Looking to change the way you show up in each day.

  • Want to connect to yourself and the world around you.

  • Want to break free from the fear and trauma cycle that keeps you stuck.

  • Want to be a light for others and learn how to support your emotions with out shutting them down.

By the end of this program you will have a tool box filled with techniques that can support you through the challenges of life and that can support you in flourishing in everyday!



I know your probably thinking what exactly will I be able to learn in this program?

Throughout the 4 weeks you will learn 5 techniques with various applications to help you release emotional overwhelm and create a calmer state of being. You will learn how to support yourself with these techniques through regular practices and how to use them when life is to much.

By the end of this 4 weeks you will have everything you need to become the calm in the chaos of life.

Tools for life meditation with rebecca packard

Right now you can get access to these tools for three incredible prices. Pick where you fit in.

You don’t have to live a life of despair, disgust, and disconnect.

There is a better way, and easier way. These tools can support you in moving out of that space and are the preventative practices to let go of trauma and drama and embrace a life of peace, joy, and fulfillment.